Monday, 12 November 2012

Realization regarding pedestals

I've been told in the past that certain people have put me on different levels of pedestals. I've always been very uncomfortable with that, because pedestals are high and thin and easy to fall off of. Besides, being on a pedestal is lonely. You spend too much time trying not to fall off.

I was talking to Phil about this in the car a couple days ago, and came to a realization. Pedestals are lonely, but they don't have to be. While I don't want to be up there alone, I love to help other people get up there with me. Most of the thing I do don't seem that hard to me, and I'm perfectly willing (and eager) to teach other people to do them, too.

Bringing people up on the pedestal with me means I'm not nearly so lonely, and not as worried about falling, because there's someone there to help me back up. So, lets get to building steps into pedestals. Come on up and share the view.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my daughter I am so glad you have learned the lesson of the pedestal and chosen to fashion it into the tower. You have taken it so much more gracefully than I. Stay vigilant to your truths and do not let your quest for "better" be viewed as "perfection" least people think you a snob or elitists. As you continue to raise people onto your tower to see the view better you will continues to grow such as your grandmother who at only 5' on her tallest day was heads above the rest when it came to helping those around other and reminding us that "Everything is going to be okay", and "There but the but for the Grace of God Go I." That pedestal maybe cold but I have watched it be sunk deeper into the soil of your community so that regardless where the walls of your house are you have become a pillar of strength so that no matter where you or the family travels there will be good, creative, fair, open minded people to continue to bridge the gap between those who may still need to learn those thing.
