Sunday 6 November 2016

Friendship on credit

There's a lot going on right now. More change than any other time in my life, I think. It's terrifying, and I feel very alone. I'm going to have to pick my battles, because I don't know that I can handle everything at once.This is not where I ever imagined or wanted my life to be.

So...a few days ago, I asked Phil for a divorce. This was not an easy choice, and I know it was a confusing one, especially to him. I'm hurting, because it's not what I wanted, but it is what I think is best. I had to come to the decision, and implement it, while I was calm...not angry...not afraid,,,and that was even harder. Fear or Anger would have been a buffer; would have made it easier...but also would have left more doubt, and I would have always been second guessing the choice, saying "but we can get better." The hard, heartbreaking truth is, we may have been able to get better...eventually...but I also don't know that I would ever trust it.

I don't blame either of us...and I blame both of us...for getting here. We are both victims...and neither of us are victims. We both made mistakes and treated each other badly. We were/are both incapable of fully filling the needs of the other. There are some fundamental places where we don't agree, and that's fine...but they don't make for a healthy partnership on the level that I think a marriage should be.

I feel very alone, and feel like that is my fault. Years ago, in Spokane, I had a wonderful support structure built up. It built up over years, when I was strong enough to give of myself and be someone fun to be around. I was able to offer support, and be the kind of friend I wanted and needed from others.

I haven't been able to do that here. Part of that is due to geography...part is due to brain chemistry...part is due to choices I have made...part of that is due to a sense of duty to my children. Honestly, it doesn't really matter. The fact is, I haven't been able to build the system I need here. I haven't paid into it, so I feel like I have nothing to pull from.

What I need is someone to be here, and care, even when I'm feeling snarky and can't mask it. I need someone to tell me it's ok that I don't feel social, and be happy to wrap up in blankets on the couch and watch tv or movies, whether I can talk or not. I need someone who is willing and able to let me vent my anger, pain, and frustration...know that deep down, I probably don't fully believe the nasty things that my brain is telling me, but I need to get them out so they don't fester and become worse. I need someone who is willing and able to help talk me through anxiety attacks...and then help distract me with something fun, when I am thoroughly incapable of making decisions. I need someone to help narrow down choices for me to ones I'm capable of dealing with, and helping me build up to bigger ones...instead of letting my fear/pain/anxiety narrow my vision down so far that the only option I see is one I really don't want...or isn't really the best choice, even if I think I do want it.

I need the kind of friends who once told me it was fine to breastfeed my baby at the restaurant table with them, and that my thinking anything else was ridiculous.

I haven't been able to pay into the friendship system...I haven't been able to build the support I need...I haven't been able to show that I deserve it, if anyone ever can. I've probably even shown people that it wasn't worth it. I've probably pushed people away that I shouldn't have, because I asked too much or wasn't able to give what they needed.

Right now, I need friendship on credit. I need someone to see that who I am right now is not necessarily who I will always be. I need someone to see that I'm worth helping, and that if we can clean out all the gunk, the shiny, magical person is still there underneath.


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