Monday 22 July 2013

Feelings...deployment and Pensic

I promised Phil that I'd start writing again, especially about how I'm feeling. He's heading off to someplace sandy again, and I tend to shut down and close off emotionally while he's gone, so I promised I'd work on it. I should be writing here and sending him regular e-mails about how I feel, not what I'm doing, but how I'm feeling. That is likely to be a bit rough.

I'll start now, because it should set a foundation for later.

How I feel about Phil deploying: Mostly numb. I know that's not really a good reaction, but it's an honest one right now. I know I'm going to miss him, and I know my tendency is to ignore the fact that I miss him as much as possible. After all, crying in front of the girls isn't helpful. Crying doesn't accomplish anything other than disturbing people. (Yes, I know that's not really true, crying is a healthy response to pain, emotional or physical, but I also know that I'll give myself every excuse to not do it.)

How I feel about taking the girls to Pensic without Phil: Slightly terrified, on multiple levels, and sad that he won't be there with us. I'm taking my daughters to an event with more than 10,000 people for a week. It's too big to effectively know where they are all the time, and I have to largely trust that they are safe and that I have trained them well.

The other slightly terrifying part of Pensic is that I'm going to an event with that many people and I don't really have a "wingman" that I know well. I have friends who will be there that I want to get to know better, but I don't really have anyone yet that I can completely relax around or that will notice that I'm having problems before I do. I miss having the support structure and group of friends that I had in Spokane, and honestly haven't had completely since then. It's friends who will keep me from doing something blatantly dumb, but who I don't have to worry about how my words or actions will be perceived. I didn't have to be politically correct with them. I don't have that comfort level with people here yet.

I'm actually hoping that Pensic this year will help form the foundation for some of those friendships. There are some specific people I know I want to spend time with, talk to, and be silly with. I need people I can show weakness to without worrying about it. I need to feel comfortable venting frustration with people or situations without worrying how the breakdown will be perceived. I know these relationships take time, effort, and a leap of faith to trust people enough to start with.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Too hot to cook - Salad Recipes

Welcome to Summer. It's hot and humid, and along with the fact that heat can kill your appetite to begin with, the idea of turning on the stove or oven is entirely too unappealing. Still, we have to eat. Salads are a great, usually healthy, option. Here are a few of my favorites.