Monday 2 January 2017

My favorite cookies from growing up...(Recipe)

When I was growing up, my mom used to make "Melting Moments", which were absolutely wonderful cornstarch cookies. I hadn't had them in years, but I looked up the recipe last week, and made a batch. I don't think they lasted even 24 hours before we'd eaten all of them.

So...while I was typing some other recipes this morning into a google file where I'm trying to remember to keep family recipes, I figured I'd copy this one here, too.

Melting Moments

1 cup flour
½ cup cornstarch
½ cup powdered sugar
¾ cup butter (softened)
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350

Combine dry ingredients in a small bowl (or in a sifter) and set aside.

Beat butter in a larger bowl until it’s fluffy, or at least smooth. Add the vanilla, then dry ingredients, and beat until it’s well blended. (It stays pretty crumbly, but that’s ok. Just don’t expect it to form into a nice ball of dough.)

If you need to refrigerate it for a bit until you can handle it, that’s ok.

When you can, make small balls of the dough (about 1” each). I found it easiest to pull small spoonfuls of the crumbly dough, and squish it into balls in my hand. If you wet your palms a bit with cool water, it helps the dough not stick to them as much, and you can roll the balls gently between your two palms to form smooth balls.

Line a baking sheet (or stone) with parchment paper, if you have it. (If you don’t have any, you can cook them straight on your pan, but I like using parchment.)

Put the balls about 2” apart on the paper. Use a fork or a glass (or your hands, if you want) to squish the balls flat. (Make sure you put a bit of flour or sugar on the fork/glass to keep the dough from sticking to it.)

Bake for about 10-12 minutes, until the edges are just slightly browned. Cool them completely on wire racks, and if they last long enough, store them in an airtight container.

(These cookies are the only ones I remember that actually taste best cold, so don’t try eating them straight out of the over. They don’t take long to cool, though.)

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